The children came pouring out of their classes as we arrived at the school yesterday. They were so excited to see us. Pastor Kurt noticed a visible difference in the children since the food and medicine program started. Pastor Godfrey proudly showed us the medicine storage room with malaria medicine, cough syrup, anti- diahrrea (one of the biggest life savers) medicine, and special juices for dehydration. The school has a sick room which used to have anywhere from 20 to 30 children a day and is now running 3 to 4 a day and the time spent there has gone from days to hours. We echo what the children shouted together - "THANK YOU MR. BLAINE !!!"
We then went into town and bought things for the school such as jump ropes, play balls, hula hoops, writing pads, chalk, pencils, coloring books, and much more. Thursday we are going back to give them to the children. We also bought 2 bags of shoes (about a hundred pair) we will be giving out. Thank you Love Fellowship for those shoes! We are looking forward to it.
Thank you for your prayers for Bobbie. She is in Iowa with Pastor Mike now. We miss her here! The team is doing well. Pastor Kurt's throat is almost back to normal. It is hard to believe that our time here is wrapping up quickly, but we are also looking forward to coming home to our families and all of you. We love you!!!